America Postpartum Pelvic Physical Therapy is Often Not Addressed by Health Professionals


So great to see this content go mainstream! I just read that the article was featured in Cosmo magazine! Wonderful! Postpartum physical therapy is so very crucial to a women's health, vitality, wellbeing... and is something I am passionate about sharing with my doula clients and prenatal/postnatal yoga students. Unfortunately in America postpartum pelvic physical therapy is often not addressed by health professionals and often not supported by health insurance, although that is slowly changing. The message and need is getting out there. Birth is a big physical event for the body, not to mention also a spiritual and emotional one, mothers will need some tending to afterwards, period. They deserve this and it is needed, regardless of cesarean or vaginal birth. May all women get access to excellent postpartum care. 


Ted Singley