Year of BEAUTY

Belonging to oneself and owning fully your life, it’s goals, it’s directions, it’s hopes, desires, longings and yes also its mournings, let downs and upsets... has been one of the best things to for my life and also the scariest. For the last few Winters I’ve participated in a three week program that’s designed to help one distill the previous year’s lessons and make goals for the year to come.

Holiday Council, an online course taught my dear friend and life coach Molly Mahar has the been the perfect guide and needed support to help create, design and plan for the new year, it's the goal setting type stuff that I never knew how to do, but now so appreciate.

Part of this course is creating a theme word for the year, so today I present to you my 2018 Theme / Vision Board both to inspire and to be seen. 


BEAUTY is my word for 2018. My mantra: 

"The harmonizing nature of beauty awakens within me. I see, create and honor the life promoting energy of beauty that is found all around me, inside me and inside all. This word will be my anchor and compass."

Supported by the following ways of being, just incase I get lost over the course of the year these will be my reminders:

I am ORGANIZED. Tidy and fresh are the spaces I create, they in turn enrich my life. My file cabinets are beautified, as is my closet... I take time to make my home beautiful to be in.

I am COMPLETE. Beautifully whole in this moment + proud of the accomplishments I take to completion. There is a beauty in following through with programs, certifications etc.. The Doula Certification that I have been putting off, the Artemis school finale paper... yeah those are getting completed, beautifuly.

I am SINGING. Capable to vibrate and feel, explore, play + feel joy through songs and life. Maybe a future singing circle in SLO gets started...

I am CREATIVE. Gardening + painting I allow for messy art making + value time spent creating. Making beauty in nature, with plants, herbs and paint, or with what a whip together to eat. I eat beautifully and enjoy the beauty of nature

I am GROUNDED. Connected to natures healing elements and appreciative of our time communing! The beauty recieved while in nature fills me up. 

I believe that where there is beauty there is God, spirit, universe, jesus, mohammad, love, call it what you will, you understand.... By seeing beauty, taking the time to create beauty, caring enough for beauty I will be taken care of.... aho and let it be so, this year and beyond!

Thank you Molly for creating Holiday Council your joy brings others to beauty! 

Friends! I do hope you’ll join us for !!!

Ted Singley